共為你找到:47筆lomography leather camera strap 相關企業資訊
Aptina (www.aptina.com), one of the world’s leading imaging-solutions Company, providing CMOS images sensors, images processors, wafer-level-camera modules to all customers around the globe. We are committed to offer one of the clearest and most vibrant images to all our valued customers. We are looking for committed and qualified professionals to join us. 本公司歡迎有積極進取心的人,加入我們的團隊,共創員工及公司美好的未來。
新眾的核心競爭力主要就是多媒體通訊。 F = M 2 C Future = Multi Media Communication 是我們的憧憬。數位時代,在PC進步的推動下,多媒體蓬勃發展。通訊則因網際網路和無線通訊的普及,而有了更多更好的應用。結合多媒體與通訊,技術上是高難度的挑戰;市場上則商機無限。 早于 ’90年代初期,新眾就投入了前瞻的影像電話Video Conference研發。97年以後將累積的關鍵技術,轉而開發網際網路上的數位安全監控及影像儲存系統VPON(Vivid Picture On Network)。這歷練,讓我們掌握了CODEC等關鍵技術;而OSD(On Screen Display),Network DVR on Chip及Plug Play等easy of use功能,則領先推出。我們還提出第三代安全監控系統的設計理念。產品曾多次獲得台灣精品獎與傑出安全器材獎,展望未來,我們將以過去累積彌足珍惜的經驗,開發更高檔、更牢靠的DVR/Camera Server,同時加強其〝智慧〞功能,例如Car counting, Smart Searching等。 也就在’90年代初期,當PC從過去一個(裸)喇叭邁進標準2個喇叭時,新眾就開始投入PC多媒體週邊板卡的領域。舉凡Sound Card、MPEG Card新眾都曾經是領導廠商。近年來隨著DVD和短距無線通訊的普及,新眾積極踏入5.1聲道和紅外線遙控,藍芽耳機等的相關產品。並隨潮流整合PC與家電的數位音響系統。又紮根地投入數位環繞、模擬音效、立體平面陣列喇叭等極先進的關鍵技術研發。 新眾的基本研發核心幹部經多年培養淬練,不儘對公司向心力強,技術實力與市場敏感度都非常優秀與成熟。我們和學術研究單位,關係甚佳,頗得奧援。由于在多媒體通訊的領域已深耕多年,銷售通路已建立完整而長期往來的網路。新眾是ISO-9001認證通過的公司,內控稽核,品管作業,生產流程都嚴格要求遵守規定。產品的品質、交期甚至價格都頗獲好評,因之,OEM/ODM客戶也已建立了堅實的基礎及口碑。 企業精神:自強不息 誠懇積極 永健經營
Navotech established on Dec. of 2005 with USD 500 thousand capital. The First product line of Navotech is the MCP of Spansion. The business of MCP products had developed rapidly as Navotech became the VAR of Tos hiba and Samsung MCP products lines at the second quarter of 2006. Hence, the SH office was built up. Q4 of 2007, became the agent of Hynix dedicating in Nand flash selling for Memory card, UFD, MP3 and MP4 market, and then made USD 20 million revenue in this field within a year in 2008. Following the IPO burea setting up at the beginning of 2008, Navotech reached USD 45 million year revenue in 2008 besides the Nand Flash business  On Dec. 2008, Navotech established the sales/purchase department for the mobile phone, UMPC and MID products. It’s been estimated to reach sales of 1 million pcs.  By the end of 2008, Navotech’s sales territories have already covered the entire mainland China area as well as Taiwan with USD 65 Million in sales revenue.  In 2009, Navotech decided to be more focus on mobile phone market rather than Nand Flash and IPO business, so quitted from these two business line and then pulled in NMI product line. The Taipei mobile phone sales team was established since. . In the mean time, the LED business was kicking off .  In 2010, Navotech became the 2nd disti of PXI to help PXI develop the camera sensor business for mobile phone application in Great China. Navotech made USD 40M revenue in 2010.
高登皮件 CORDAN LEATHER 為一家專業製造手工皮革.皮具.工藝品的廠家 設立於1996年初 迄今已邁入15年,舉凡從設計.打版.裁剪.成形均採一貫化作業.並已通過ISO專業製造工廠認證.
本公司成立至今, 主要是提供高科技奈米複合性材料至各產業。從奈米原料的供應以及分散技術的應用已深入各產業(例如: 金屬表面、紡織纖維.塗料與陶瓷等) 都有一定的水準。 同時, 我們提供各種奈米與特殊功能性原料, 奈米應用專攻金屬表面(鏡面與烤漆); 奈米功能性的紡織與陶瓷製品後加工(超柔細、防污易潔、防菌、防水、撥水、撥油、防塵、抗紫外線、發射遠紅外線與負離子等)。於2006/10/10加入萬能科技大學育成中心 (針對奈米原料與奈米運用商品研發技術與生產製造輔導)。 此外, 自製的奈米汽車蠟、奈米汽機油精、奈米水箱精汽機油精、奈米汽車皮革保養液與共同開發複合性奈米白金、奈米黃金、奈米銀與負離子精華液乳液洗卸乳等產品不僅是國內也行銷至海外市場。為使目前的產品更具市場的競爭力, 研發團隊不餘遺力。 Our company has been established until now, it mainly provides the high-tech Nano compound material to various industries. From supplying Nano raw material to dispersing technology, all of them have been applications for various industries (such as: metal surface、textile fiber、coating and ceramics, etc.) All completely have the certain standard . Meanwhile, for business we also provide differential Nano raw material with the special function, its application specializes in the metal surface (mirror surface and baking varnish); functional spinning and latter process of ceramic product (ultra gentle, anti-fouling, clean easily, anti-bacterium, waterproofing, water-repelling, oil-repelling, dustproof, anti-ultraviolet ray, launching remote infrared ray and negative ion Powder, etc.). Year 2006, Oct. 1st joined Vanung University Innovation & Incubation Center (focused on products research development and counselling of Nano raw material and applications) . Additionally, Nano automobile wax、fuel treatment、water tank treatment、leather automobile care products being made and developed by us , selling not only in local market, also to the multinational market . And Nano Platinum 、 Nano Gold、Nano Silver and Ion Serum ; Lotion ; Cleansing Milk . To have competitive advantage in the international market, research and development team in our company is continuously strengthened.
Sunfix Industrial Co. Ltd is a company that has been established for more than 30 years. We specialized in PU/PVC artificial leather products and relative machinery trading and have established ourselves in international markets such as South America, Asia, and Latin America. In additional to current business line, we are also exploring into different product market such as fabric, new energy products and etc. We are a small scale yet flexible company that emphasis good working environment and team work. Our key objective is to bring continuous added-values in services and products to our customers.
碩展電子股份有限公司 本著業界對於測試組裝製程之需求於民國九十四年成立於新莊市 對內抱持著 製程創新 鑽研新工法 專業之製造技術 以及標準化 流程規劃 本著以嚴苛的標準 製作出符合客戶要求之產品 並且重視客戶之反應適時 提高品質與工法 對外則是保持經營彈性與機動力 提供產品概念給客戶之研發端 並主動提出新製程與工法給客戶 以期維持與不斷創新的生產效率與標準化的品質供應 並開發國外之OEM 訂單 以優良的品質與卓越的效率 滿足客戶需求 提供全製程之服務 以及 完整的整合性服務 配合夥伴 函括 SMT DIP 製程 以充實完整性之製程 產品性生產以 影像產品 DSC PC Camera SensorModule SecurityCamera GPS BLUETOOTH 歡迎 對電子相關產品有興趣者 加入我們!
本公司以開發監控系統的軟硬體為主, 市場定位為中高階監控產品, 包含 DVR, NVR, IP camera 等, 搭配完整的 SDK 供其他軟體廠商整合, 以建立更完整的監控系統.
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